Dissemination and Exploitation of the EDA SoC project

logo1Dissemination has been led by SED which developed a web site and regularly published information around the project. Technology providers, with particular mention to Dolphin Integration, strongly participated to these activities mixing technology promotion and project dissemination. Other companies participated more or less on the promotion mainly inside their structure. Many dissemination activities were carried out by the WP6 partners including participation at numerous trade fair meetings, as well as the organization of many conferences and seminaries and publication of articles to facilitate the diffusion of the EDA SoC project's information to the entire industrial audience.

Two dedicated websites have been developed thanks to SED and Dolphin Integration: the EDA SoC website that has been updated since the beginning to the end of the SoC project and the mySoC web portal that remain continuously operational and up-to-date. The websites obtained numerous visits from foreign countries, even outside the EDA/EU, from industries pertaining to different sectors outside the Defense and Aerospace industries as well as from universities and research institutes. The Defense and Aerospace industries showed the most relevant interest in the technologies developed by the SoC project (about 50% of the total as shown in the graph below), whilst other sectors such as Industrial one and the Consumer, Healthcare, and Transportation industries demonstrated a true interest as well.

Target markets

Target markets interested in EDA SoC project.



For more information about this Work Package please contact the Project Leader.